
Nursing Lab

Nursing foundation lab is one which makes the imagination of hospital setup, and the students can study the procedures and all the things on dummy with the help of clinical instructors. These will help the students to reduce the stress and fear about the hospital environment.

Community Health Nursing is the community oriented primary health care programme and the integration of community medicine with the primary health care ofindividual and community students render comprehensive care to the individual family and community and develop center understanding of rural community health management.


Modern Library

Our modern library is a dynamic hub of knowledge and innovation, designed to empower students with cutting-edge resources and learning opportunities. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, a vast collection of medical literature, e-books, and online databases, our library fosters a culture of research, critical thinking, and lifelong learning among nursing students

Our dedicated librarians provide personalized support, research assistance, and access to the latest healthcare publications, ensuring that students have the tools they need to excel in their academic and professional endeavors. Whether you’re exploring evidence-based practice, conducting research projects, or preparing for exams, our modern library is your gateway to academic excellence and career success in the dynamic field of nursing.



Our digital classrooms at Jasnand Nursing College are revolutionizing the way nursing education is delivered. With advanced technology integration, interactive learning platforms, and real-time collaboration tools, our digital classrooms offer a dynamic and immersive learning experience.

Students have access to virtual simulations, case studies, multimedia resources, and live lectures, enhancing their understanding of complex medical concepts and clinical scenarios. Our skilled faculty harness the power of digital tools to engage students, promote active learning, and facilitate peer interactions, creating a stimulating environment for knowledge acquisition and skill development.

Gyne & Paediatric Lab

Appreciate the concepts and principles of midwifery and obstetrical nursing. To acquire knowledge and skills in reducing nursing care to normal & high risk pregnant woman during their antenatal and postnatal periods.

Under the guidance of experienced faculty and healthcare professionals, students gain proficiency in conducting prenatal assessments, assisting in deliveries, performing gynecological examinations, and caring for pediatric patients. Our Gyne & Paediatric Lab is a cornerstone of our nursing education, preparing students to excel in maternal-child health nursing and contribute positively to healthcare outcomes in these specialized areas.

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